Effective Education

Parents Courses

How to Live & Work with Children

How to Live & Work with Children

The purpose of this course is to give parents, educators and caregivers the knowledge required to care for or raise children who will be happy and conduct themselves in a well-behaved manner.

The practical drills and essays help ensure that the information about living and working with children is understood and can be applied with confidence, be it in the home, in an educational situation or in daily activities with children.

Courses are charged on a term by term basis



Homeschooling can be a great way for your child to learn at their own pace. It gives them the opportunity to spend the necessary amount of time on subjects they find difficult, instead of being left behind in a classroom environment with no understanding. They are also able to spend more time on the subjects they enjoy, which results in a continued willingness and interest to learn.

We have spoken to many parents who would prefer to homeschool their child but don’t know where to start. Homeschooling can sometimes be very trying. It takes effort from both the parent and child, patience from the parent, discipline in academic schedules, finding the right curriculum and also implementing enough social activities so your child still interacts with other children, as they would do in a public or private school.

We offer advice in all aspects of the above and also provide courses and tutoring for specific subjects. We can also help you develop a curriculum to suit your child’s needs.

The Australian Teaching Modern Phonics Course

The Australian Teaching Modern Phonics Course

The Applied Scholastics Wattle Grove Courseroom is licensed to deliver the Australian Teaching Modern Phonics Course.

Phonics is a method of teaching reading; it teaches that letters and combinations of letters represent specific sounds.

This course has been specifically developed for any educator or parent who wishes to gain the ability to teach any individual to read and write using our methods.

This Course is unique and presents the Phonics method of teaching reading on the correct gradient. It contains very specific instructions and procedures on teaching a remedial student or a student who is beginning to learn to read and write.

The Course is designed to instil confidence in the tutor and to ensure correct application of the materials.

Courses are charged on a term by term basis

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